The Life and Times of an Albuquerque Nobody

an incomplete written version of my life

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Stupid Stupid Everything!

I just want to punch a wall or something.
I've been having a hell of a time with my job. I've been making no money due to the fact that I've been bar backing and working the patio. The weather just started clearing up here in Albuquerque, so that gives me some hope. Or it would if I didn't have only 2 (TWO) scheduled shifts, both bar backing, for the next week! I made $26.50 tonight, on a Friday night while most everyone else made at least $100. I could just scream.
So then I come home and I need to make something for Ravyn's potluck tomorrow morning. The theme is comfort food and he asked me to make broccoli cheese soup. This should not have been a problem to make, but somehow I managed to scorch the soup and ruined the whole batch. I could just cry.
Now I try to sign into my blog and it won't stop nagging me to create a Google account. I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO CREATE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT!!! But I had to if I wanted to get onto my blog and write anything. So I created one, but now I don't want it registered to the e-mail address I used. I could just kill someone.