Been a long time...
Good morning!
I decided it was time to put up a new blog. I'd like to say that so much has happened in six months, but it really hasn't. I've bounced around a few jobs since losing my job at Bravo in June. I tried the Olive Garden and wanted to die after a day and a half, went to a Greek restaurant and was treated horribly and made no money... I tried the grocery store cashier thing, but money is the dirtiest thing on the planet!
I have finally found something I truly enjoy though. I am working as a demo person over at Costco. It pays well and I have the opportunity to advance and that excites me! I am also doing the two job thing right now and working as a barista in the Hastings cafe on Juan Tabo and Lomas (if you're in Albuquerque) also.
I want to upload some recent pics and whatnot, but Ravyn is the cameraman and has all the pics on his hard drive and I don't have access to them. He could share them over the network, but we are sharing one wireless adapter between us right now since mine died a month ago (it's my turn to use it right now while he's at work). I would just get pics with my phone, but that's been dead for over two months now. I feel so cut off from the world! Maybe this is why I'm working two jobs... just to be around people!
Hopefully I will keep this more up to date than I have been, but no promises. I really do want to get in some more details about my job hunting and on my current job. I promise to also get pics up from my vacation and from meeting Paula Deen and tell that story!
Hope to see y'all soon!
Good to see you're blogging again. Welcome back.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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